On January 17th we created a new research group at the Aula Dei Experimental Station of CSIC. This is the “Agriculture and NAtural Resources” (ARENA) group, which is the result of the joint efforts of two previous groups of the Soil and Water Department: Irrigation, Agronomy and Environment (RAMA) and Soil Management and Global Change (MSCG). The new group, which is coordinated by Jorge Álvaro, has a large critical mass:
- Seven tenured researchers
- Two ad honorem researchers
- One Ramón y Cajal researcher
- Three contracted PhDs
- Three in-house technicians
- Six contracted technicians
- Three researchers in training
- Three external members
In the ARENA group we develop five specific research objectives:
- Impact of management practices on the capacity of agriculture to mitigate and adapt to climate change;
- Irrigated cropping systems: optimization of production and efficiency of water and nitrogen use;
- Study of soils and habitats of interest in relation to agricultural activities;
- Modelling of sprinkler irrigation systems: plots and distribution networks;
- Plot irrigation systems: optimization, design and improved management; and
- Collective irrigation systems: optimization, design and improved management.
ARENA is part of the RAMA group, composed by researchers from EEAD, CITA and EPSH of UNIZAR. Be sure to visit our page on the EEAD website. You can learn more about our work there: