The “Alianza Agroalimentaria Aragonesa” awards aim to recognize the contribution of people and entities to the creation and dissemination of values related to food production and the rural world, at a national or international level. They are awarded in three different categories: Agri-Food Research and Innovation, Agri-Food Industrialization and Marketing and the Outstanding Farmer.

This year’s winners have been:
- 2024 Agri-Food Research and Innovation Award: Huesca Polytechnic School of the University of Zaragoza
- 2024 Agri-Food Industrialization and Marketing Award: Barbastro Agricultural Limited Cooperative Society
- 2024 Outstanding Farmer Award: José Luis Sánchez Sánchez from Aniñón (Calatayud).
The award ceremony took place on October 22, 2024 at the Casino de Zaragoza, headquarters of Caja Rural de Aragón.

Francisco Javier García Ramos, Director of the Polytechnic School of Huesca, received the award on behalf of all his colleagues. From the RAMA group we congratulate all the winners, but particularly the EPSH, one of the three institutions whose researchers make part of the RAMA group.