The Irrigation, Agronomy and Environment Research Group organizes the seminar by Dr. Wafa Malik, from the INRAE Rennes Research Center in France (wafa.malik The title of the seminar will be: “Nitrogen modeling to reduce coastal eutrophication”, and it will take place on Thursday, November 3, 2022 at 12:30 p.m. at the Auditorium of the Aula Dei Experimental Station of CSIC. The seminar can be followed online at the RAMA Group Teleconference Room.

Green algae accumulating on the beaches of Brittany (north-western France) during the summer time produce bad odors, deteriorate the beaches and, even worse, can kill due to their high toxicity. These aquatic plants proliferate thanks to the massive presence of nitrates and phosphates in the water discharged by local rivers. These elements, acting as powerful nutrients, come mainly from intensive agriculture and livestock farming and from the fertilizers and manures. Dr. Malik has evaluated several mitigation scenarios for nitrate emissions into the environment using the TNT2 model in the Bay of Saint Brieuc, the area most affected by algae in Brittany. She has evaluated the system response time, the efficiency and the possibilities of reducing nitrate concentrations while maintaining current agricultural productivity.
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