The second meeting of the Spanish Local Platform of the LIFE CLINMED-FARM Project took place on 24 October 2024 at the CITA facilities.
The meeting consisted of several parts. The first one included a presentation of the Project and its two case studies (located in Spain and Italy), followed by an explanation of the methods for measuring and estimating emissions from manure management and by a presentation of the main results so far. This allowed participants to observe the effectiveness of the techniques proposed in the Project for reducing ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions. For instance, covering slurry lagoons reduces methane emissions by 88% and ammonia emissions by 95%, compared to traditional pig slurry storage systems.

In the second part, discussions addressed the challenges in transferring scientific knowledge to policy-making processes. This began with presentations on collaborative methods between research centres and government administrations through specific examples from different Spanish regions, followed by an open discussion on the abovementioned topic among invited attendees. These included representatives from research centres and universities across various Autonomous Communities in Spain (Castille and León, Navarre, Madrid, Valencia, Catalonia), as well as State and Regional Government representatives and members of the livestock production sector. There was broad agreement on the need for a collaborative approach by all stakeholders to set objectives, avoid duplications and contradictions, and make better use of resources, thus ensuring public trust and the delivery of accurate and clear messages to society.

Project web site: