On March 1, 2024, we will be holding a workshop on new tools for the early detection of zebra mussels and the analysis of chemical treatments in pressurized networks. The event will take place at the headquarters of the General Irrigation Community of Alto Aragón (RAA). We will begin at 9:30 with the following program:
The workshop is part of the activities of the Zemupres project (Sustainability of irrigation modernization: control of zebra mussels in pressurized networks and optimization of field-scale sprinkler irrigation), which is being financed by the State Research Agency of the Government of Spain and the ERDF funds of the European Union with reference PID2021-124095OB-I00.
Part of the project’s objectives are related to the control of this invasive species in pressurized collective irrigation networks:
- To refine the Normalized Pressure Method, taking a decisive step towards its application to optimize zebra mussel management practices and chemical treatments.
- To explore the predictive capacity of irrigation network hydrodynamics to assess the risk of zebra mussel larvae settlement and shell clogging.
- To develop a simulation model of zebra mussel dynamics, settlement and growth inside a collective pressurized irrigation network.

In the project, experimental work and numerical simulations are being carried out to develop control strategies. At the conference, results will be presented and a discussion of the current situation of this invasive species will be held. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about new developments and participate in the discussion.