Today’s Official Gazette of Aragon publishes the resolution of the call for grants intended to promote the research activity of research groups recognized by the Administration of the Community of Aragon for the period 2023-2025. The resolution includes financing of 60,389.79 € for RAMA in this period. This is great news for the group, its 30 members and the three institutions that make it up (Aula Dei Experimental Station of CSIC, CITA of the Government of Aragon and the University of Zaragoza).
The granted funding recognizes the work of the group since its formation in the 80s in the then Soils and Irrigation Unit of the Agrarian Research Service. In these decades the group has developed problem – solving research aimed at agriculture in Aragon and the Ebro Valley. Thus, the main objective of the group is to generate scientific and technical information to establish and promote more competitive, efficient and sustainable agricultural systems. To do this, it is necessary to achieve four objectives:
- to develop innovative technologies for the diagnosis, management and optimization of agricultural systems;
- to increase efficiency in the use of production inputs;
- to increase the stability of production and crop diversification; and
- to conserve natural and agricultural resources, as well as the environment in general.
In the last 8 years, the group has maintained an intense scientific-technical activity, publishing an average of 21 indexed publications, attending seven international conferences and as many national ones, and attracting two international and three national projects each year. The budget now granted will be used to have more support staff, buy material for research work, participate in conferences, do research stays… and maintain this web page.