TRANSFER is a cooperation project financed within the framework of the PDR 2014-2020 of the Government of Aragon. It has been financed by the Government of Aragon and FEADER. On its website (, Transfer presents the aim of generating a process of continuous transfer of knowledge to the irrigation sector for the improvement of irrigation and fertilization and its impact on improving the quality of the masses of water. They claim to be the scientific-technical support for the improvement of the provision of services by water users associations, which, based on their management capacity, are committed to efficient advice on irrigation-fertilization, adding value to the water governance. These are the TRANSFER project partners:

The objectives of the project are:
- Achieve efficiency in the use of water and agrochemicals.
- Improve the quality of agricultural drainage and its impact on the receiving environment.
- Cooperate in obtaining sustainable agricultural systems. Efficient and respectful with the environment.
To achieve its goal, TRANSFER has developed a series of free courses. You only need to register. Among these courses you can find those taught by members of the RAMA Group:
- Plot-scale nitrogen balance models: evaluation and analysis tools to minimize losses. Farida Dechmi. CITA-Aragón.
- Cover crops in annual rotations: general aspects and management keys to maximize their benefits. Maria Alonso Ayuso. EEAD-CSIC.
- Cover crops and their potential to improve nitrogen use efficiency in annual rotations. Maria Alonso Ayuso. EEAD-CSIC.
- Maize fertigation: application technology and available products. Jose Cavero. EEAD-CSIC.
- Determination of crop irrigation requirements. Practical example of sprinkler irrigation in corn. Jose Cavero. EEAD-CSIC.
- Improved efficiency in the use of organic fertilizers. Lola Quilez. CITA Aragón.
- Reasoned fertilization in field crops. Ramón Isla. CITA Aragón.