The Ebro Water Partnership Holds its Technical Conference and Presents the Botorrita Awards

Last Thursday, March 6, the Ebro Water Partnership held its technical conference “20 Years of Irrigation Modernization: A Look to the Future” at the SMAGUA international trade fair in Zaragoza. After the opening and presentation of the conference, the Partnership presented the document “Irrigation Modernization in Aragon: Past and Future Trends.” A roundtable discussion with the same title was subsequently held. Finally, the Botorrita 2025 awards for good water use in agriculture in the Ebro basin were presented. The RAMA group has been heavily involved in the Partnership since its inception.
The conference program is presented below:

The Ebro Water Partnership has published a press release (in Spanish) outlining the main aspects of the event:

A few pictures from the Event (most of them taken by Ignacio Olivan, Technical Secretary of Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Aragón, Navarra y País Vasco) are presented:

Enrique Playán delivers a talk on “Irrigation modernization in the Ebro-Aragón: past and future trends”.
Round table on the future of irrigation modernization. From left to right, Rosendo Castillo (moderator), José Manuel Cruz, Cristina Clemente, Juan Valero de Palma, Alberto Fernández Lop and David Solano.
The event was populated by a large representation of the irrigation sector.
José Manuel Cruz presented the Botorrita Award to the modernization of traditional irrigation at Pina de Ebro. Award received by Carlos Carreras, President of the Water Users Association
José Alberto Lax presented the first accesit to the turbine-pump system in Binéfar. Award received by Javier Citoler, from the CINGRAL engineering company.
Luis Vicente presented the Second accesit to Communitary exploitatation and crop diversification at Biota. Award received by Manuel Laborda, President of the Monte Saso de Biota Cooperative.
Jesús Betrán presented the award to professional trajectory to Ignasi Servià.
Botorrita Awardees lined up for a picture.

We present here a paper in English produced by the Ebro River Partnership on Irrigation Modernization at Ebro Aragón:

Enjoy the reading !