Promoting Smart Agricultural Water Management in Bosnia Herzegovina
The Second Advanced course of the Horizon 2020 SMARTWATER project took place between the 26th and the 30th of September at the Aula Dei Experimental Station. The University of Banja Luka is the coordinator, and the RAMA group is the Spanish partner of this project through EEAD (CSIC). The title of the course was “Use of innovative technologies and tools for collective and on-demand pressurized irrigation systems”. The course had 25 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Portugal, generally young doctors and doctoral students. The lecturing staff was composed of members of the RAMA group of EEAD and CITA.
The program included presentations on the following topics:
- Irrigated agriculture in the Ebro valley.
- Morphology of pressurized irrigation Systems: collective and private.
- A visit to the pressurized irrigation network of EEAD (CSIC) and the experimental farms on campus.
- An irrigation programming workshop.
- Use of Sentinel satellite images to manage sprinkler irrigated farms.
- Visit to the “Hydro-logical” space and the SAIHEbro of the Ebro River Basin Organization.
- Use of experimental data to simulate irrigated crops with the DSSAT model.
- Spatial and temporal availability of meteorological data to manage irrigation. The case of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
- Visit to the irrigated area of Riegos del Alto Aragón: from the Sotonera reservoir to the irrigated farms.
- Workshops for the preparation of scientific and technical manuscripts and research projects.
The project activities will be completed by the end of 2023, after conducting experiments, holding three advanced courses, three summer schools and several workshops to strengthen local capacities in agricultural water management. We have got some pictures of the course:

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