Beatriz Moreno García has received the “2022 Trusted Adviser of the year” award for providing Arkansas farmers with tips to reduce the environmental impact of rice production, and for working hand-in-hand with them evaluating these recommendations and assessing the improvements for farmers. The prize has been awarded by the organization “Field to Market” who annually awards the so-called “Sustainability Leadership Awards”.
Beatriz began her research career at CITA within the RAMA group, where she completed her doctoral thesis under the direction of Dolores Quílez. The Thesis focused on optimizing the fertilization of rice crops with pig slurry, evaluating both the crop response and the greenhouse gas emissions.
Since 2018 she is a postdoctoral researcher in the group of Dr. Benjamin Runkle in the Department of “Biological and Agricultural Engineering” at the University of Arkansas. Her work focuses on the evaluation of the sustainability of water conservation practices, using decision support tools in conjunction with field measurements of greenhouse gases and water use, in the central-eastern area of Arkansas.
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